Friday, September 26, 2008

Just so you Know

For anyone who reads this blog of mine...I just want you to know one thing. I also have to use this blog for my composition class(which is the reason I created my blog in the first place). If any of the posts seem completely crazy or random or anything like is more than likely that it was a class assignment.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ohio Right To Life on the Web

The Ohio Right to Life organization began it's roots in Cleveland just over 40 years ago. On June 28th, 1967, three Cleveland citizens took the initiative to begin this Pro-life society. Now the issue of pro-life has been wide spread all across the world in any form imaginable, including the World Wide Web. Ohio Right to Life has it's own position on the web in order to educate those concerned, curious, or in dire need of guidance. Current president Tracie Johnson quotes, "Still I pray that our organization will not be necessary for another 40 years; that the atrocity of abortion will end."

There are many other members on the board of the Ohio RTL. They include, Gary Anderson, Christi Dodson, Greg Frank, Kevin Kelly, Patrick Kunklier, Chris Mohr, Marshall Pitchford, Bernie Schlueter, Dr. Dennis Sullivan, and Dr. J.C. Willke. On the website there is a letter from a very dedicated politician towards the Pro-life movement. Jim Jordan has dedicated his life as a politician towards reversing the Roe v. Wade decision.

The website addresses many issues, not just abortion. From infanticide to euthanasia, the site discusses it all. It promotes life from the moment of conception all the way to the end of life due to NATURAL causes. The site begins with it's take on human development. Scientific evidence is also added to the site. "The unborn baby is alive from the moment of fertilization...has a heartbeat at three weeks and brain waves at six weeks...has 46 chromosomes in the cells of his or her body...and can never be repeated after the moment of fertilization...The baby is the same baby, whether inside or outside the uterus."

From here it is obvious what the site feels towards abortion. Abortion terminates the LIFE of a living, growing human being. It is total and complete murder. Since the legalization of Roe v. Wade, at least 47 million unborn children have been legally killed by the violence of abortion.

In today's world, fetal experimentation is an extremely large topic. Fetal tissue transplants, live human embryo research, and embryonic stem cell research are all topics that are unavoidable. Ohio RTL narrows it down to one summary. "If anything can be gained from the cruel atrocities committed against human beings in the la century and a half, it is the lesson that the utilitarian devaluation of one group of human beings for the alleged benefit of others is a price we simply cannot afford to pay." In a nut shell, it just doesn't make sense to take a life for research that can be done in different ways.

Infanticide is another issue that the Ohio RTL website is completely against. "Infanticide is the direct killing-by action or neglect- of a newborn baby." This issue here truly makes no sense at all. If a woman will go through nine months of a life providing for an unborn baby, how can they all of a sudden want nothing to do with the precious life the bore. If for some reason they cannot handle the baby, the option of adoption is 100% available. At this point there is no reason why a mother should be able to kill their week old baby, but yet they would be sent to jail for killing their three year old child. It just doesn't make sense.

The last issue that the site addresses is euthanasia. "Euthanasia is the purposeful killing by act or omission of a depend human being for his/her alleged benefit." Purposeful killing. Something just sounds wrong with that. Purposeful killing is murder, end of discussion. It does not matter if a person is dealing with medical difficulties. If they are alive and purposefully killed, it is MURDER!

The site has many links to go along with its beliefs. It includes descriptions about the board members. On the home page there is a link that leads to video clips of the presidential nominees McCain and Obama. Each senator discusses his position towards the movement for life. Along with everything else, the site provides ways to find local legislators, become a member of the RTL, donate towards the cause, and even a link for help. This is intended for pregnant women who feel trapped or do not know what to do with their new situations.

I am very impressed with this website. I like the way it is set up and the way it explains the many issues. I completely agree with its stance on life and everything it discusses. I really like the link that allows the viewer to see the videos of McCain and Obama. Instead of reading about each of the individuals stance, it is nice to be able to see for myself what each man believes. The clips really narrow down their speeches to the things that I care about. This website addresses very many important things and I believe that it fulfills its duty as a site on the World Wide Web.

All information and quotes are from the website:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Buying the War...Seriously, just give it up

We had to watch the video Buying the War on the internet. I was so disgusted when I was finished watching it that it wasn't even funny. As a basic summary, it was by Muyers, a democrat, who wanted a way to dish President GWB for everything he has done. He used all the little guys and hidden individuals who said things that he wanted them to say. Muyers claimed that the President only told the world and the huge media companies what he wanted them to know. In a nut shell, he said that the war with Iraq was created based on lies. He believes that there were not weapons of mass destruction. He believes that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. He believes that we never should have entered Iraq.

I disagree with all of this. If our country did not respond to 9-11, who's to say that we would not have been attacked again. It would have been an automatic win in the eyes of those responsible for those plane crashes. I just wish that those opposing democrats would give it up. Regardless if anyone believes that our entering into Iraq was right or wrong, it HAPPENED. We can't just back out now otherwise those lives that have been lost will have been lost without any purpose. It would be a shame. Those men and women volunteered their lives for this country. Obviously they believe in what is going on. If they are willing to give there lives, we cannont just back out without finishing what we started.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Playboy...ruining America

Hugh Hefner, the beginning for corruption in America. For Composition we had to read an essay entitled "The Cultural Victory of Hugh Hefner." I really am not sure why we had to read it for a composition class but I'm sure the point will come out before long. Now we are to respond with our thoughts towards the essay. I am not really sure how to take this essay. At one point it seems as though the idea behind Playboy is fine and then in the next paragraph it seems to be demeaning it. From the beginning, I don't understand why Hugh Hefner started this magazine. At first, Hefner did not want to claim that the work was his. He wanted the approval of the American public before he would acknowledge that he was the mastermind behind the corruption. " If the magazine failed, he felt it would be easier to find another job in the industry..." (quote form Because of Playboy, an entire new belief of acceptable was created in the world of morality.

Once it was believed that the showing of nude images was unacceptable and only done by 'perverts.' Because Hefner put the idea of this out into the open, less people see a problem with it. Men are often now regarded as normal for fantasizing or using sexual language. From sexual jokes to sexual images, many consider it okay when these type of things are posted everywhere, often times on the internet. Before Hefner's magazine, a great percentage of the population would have considered these things absurd and completely against morality of the human being.

Hefner created these distortions of morality not for women, but only for men. He was often considered anti-female liberation, also known as...sexist. He put on the front that he was for the liberation of females, but his first magazine issue greatly counteracts this front. "We want to make it clear from the very start, we aren't a "family magazine." If you're somebody's sister, wife or mother-in-law and picked us up by mistake, please pass us along to the man in your life and get back to your "Ladies Home Companion," (quoted from the essay).
With all this in mind, his magazine makes even less sense. He created the idea that woman are intended only for fulfilling the pleasure of men. They themselves were to enjoy nothing, but providing for the men. He portrays women as statues in his magazine, bodies meant for sexual pleasure, while containing no inner feelings.

The closing of this essay is actually something that I agree with. There is obviously something wrong with Hugh Hefner if he had the mindset that it would take to create something of this nature. He started something in society that can never be taken back. His creation is often referred to "Pandora's Box" in essays everywhere. Pornography has one goal for this society, pure corruption. With this being said, Hugh Hefner had one thing in mind when he created the Playboy magazine. He apparently thought that the world needed corruption and he would do whatever it took to terrorize human morality.