Thursday, September 18, 2008

Buying the War...Seriously, just give it up

We had to watch the video Buying the War on the internet. I was so disgusted when I was finished watching it that it wasn't even funny. As a basic summary, it was by Muyers, a democrat, who wanted a way to dish President GWB for everything he has done. He used all the little guys and hidden individuals who said things that he wanted them to say. Muyers claimed that the President only told the world and the huge media companies what he wanted them to know. In a nut shell, he said that the war with Iraq was created based on lies. He believes that there were not weapons of mass destruction. He believes that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. He believes that we never should have entered Iraq.

I disagree with all of this. If our country did not respond to 9-11, who's to say that we would not have been attacked again. It would have been an automatic win in the eyes of those responsible for those plane crashes. I just wish that those opposing democrats would give it up. Regardless if anyone believes that our entering into Iraq was right or wrong, it HAPPENED. We can't just back out now otherwise those lives that have been lost will have been lost without any purpose. It would be a shame. Those men and women volunteered their lives for this country. Obviously they believe in what is going on. If they are willing to give there lives, we cannont just back out without finishing what we started.

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